If you like warframe-builder.com and would like to support me, give me a hand or return the favor for the five years I worked on this app (not sure it's a good way to say it, I've always been bad for asking help), please consider trying my kinetic novel, available on Steam. I have a severe lack of visibility right now and need help to get things started. This project is more than important to me, it's years of work. Thanks for your help.
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My kinetic novel, Esper - Make You Live Again, is now available on Steam.If you have a Steam account and want to help me a little, go to the Steam page and click on the most relevant tags for the game (like visual novel, story rich, etc), it'll help for the visibility on others products page. This is very important to me and will determine what my future will be made of. Thanks in advance for your support and for your help. Original story
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Astral Autopsy
Fatal strikes against an enemy also perform a Codex Scan. Scans require an equipped Codex Scanner and an available charge.
Astral Slash
+% Slash
Blazing Steel
+% heatBlast Gas Radiation
Bleeding Edge
+% crit damage
Conductive Blade
+% Electricity
Cryo Coating
+% cold +% status chanceBlast Viral Magnetic
Cutting Edge
+% melee damage
+ Attraction Range (In Space). + Melee Range
+% attack speed
Glacial Edge
+% coldBlast Viral Magnetic
Infectious Injection
+% toxin +% status chanceGas Viral Corrosive
Ion Infusion
+% electricity +% status chanceRadiation Magnetic Corrosive
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Melee Combos
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Edit Kuva
Setting these values is mandatory for each Kuva weapon. The values are saved in the database with the build and passed with the URL when the build is exported.